Aransas Pass

Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Aransas Pass, TX

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Aransas Pass, Texas

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The US city of Aransas Pass located in three counties in Texas, US — San Patricio, Nueces, and Aransas. Its population stood at 8,204 in 2010, according the 2010 census. In an earlier census carried out in 2000, the city had 8,138 people living in 3,075 households and 3,012 families. The city’s primary industries include oil and gas, farming, and tourism and shrimping. The area is also popular for beach adventure and saltwater sports fishing. Additionally, the city is a popular destination for hunting, kayaking, bird watching, fishing, and water sports. Some of the city’s notable people include sportsmen Emory Bellard, Tommy Blake, and Mickey Sullivan.

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