Green Cabbage or as many other people call it, Savoy Cabbage is a winter vegetable and one of a few different cabbage varieties.
The leaves of the vegetable are wrinkled and emerald green in color. The leaves have a crunchy texture and are tender.
There are different cultivars of Green Cabbage and the known ones are Tundra, Winter King, and Savoy King which is popular in the United States.
Savoy Cabbage is interestingly named for the Savoy region in France.
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Brassicales
Family: Brassicaceae
Genus: Brassica
Species: B. oleracea var. sabauda L.
Trinomial name: Brassica oleracea var. sabauda L.
Green Cabbage Trivia
- Cabbage has been cultivated for more than four thousand years
- Babe Ruth used to put cabbage leaves in his baseball cap. He would often change the leaves during the game
- Cabbage used to be known as “poor people food” but is one of the most nutritious vegetables and is used worldwide
Green Cabbage Buying Guide
When you’re trying to find that perfect Savoy King, look for the heads that are firm and compact and a bit heavy for their size.
The variety should have a few loose leaves and the cabbage should look crisp and fresh.
Avoid limp and yellowish leaves.
Green Cabbage Production & Farming in Texas
Cabbage is an important crop in Texas and is pretty easy to grow. Some growers plant seeds two to ten acres every two weeks. If the prices are too low, some of the plantings are abandoned.
Fifteen percent of cabbage in the United States is produced in Texas, this makes Texas the second highest producer of cabbage in the U.S. Most of the cabbage produced in East Texas is Green Cabbage, about 95%.
About half of Texas’ production of commercial cabbage is operated in Lower Valley. About one third in South Texas and the remainder in Trans-Pecos and High Plains
Cabbage has one of the fewest amounts of pesticide residues out of any vegetables. About 86% of cabbages tested didn’t have pesticide residues. Only 0.3% showed more than one pesticide.
Cabbages mainly don’t require pesticides as they produce glucosinolates that are a natural pesticide.
The cabbage is believed to come from England or the Netherlands in the 18th century.
Grow the vegetable in soil that is rich in well-drained organic matter. Provide the soil with nitrogen if it’s sandy or where there is a lot of rain. Keep the soil evenly moist, don’t let it dry and don’t overwater it.
People package cabbage in many different ways. They can either be in net bags, film packaging, or cardboard packaging but they can also just be picked up and bought like that in the store.
Enjoying Green Cabbages
People are starting to acknowledge cabbage more and more. This highly nutritious vegetable can be prepared in many ways.
Cabbage can be roasted, made into a stir-fry, made into a casserole, mixed into a salad, grilled, used in tacos, and there are many other uses to the vegetable.
Preferably, cabbage should be stored in both cold and moist places which is a bit challenging. The fridge is cold but also dries out the air inside. The best place to store them is in garden storage or root cellar.
As I’ve mentioned, cabbage can be used in many different ways, but one of the best ways to prepare it is to saute it.
The first step to Sauteed Cabbage is to cut the cabbage in half. Cut it as narrowly as possible around the core.
Start melting the butter in a large pan on medium heat. Throw in the cabbage and season it with salt and pepper. After that saute for up to fifteen minutes until the cabbage is tender and begins to brown. Serve and enjoy.
Cabbage is starting to get noticed in recent times because people are searching for healthy and nutritious food.
Some of the great health benefits cabbage consists of are:
- Keeps inflammation in check
- Improves digestion
- Keeps your heart healthy
- Lowers blood pressure
Green Cabbage is also an amazing source of:
- Vitamins A & C
- Calcium
- Folate
- Magnesium
- Iron
When Are Green Cabbage in Season in Texas?
To find out when Green Cabbage are in season in Texas, please check the seasonal chart below. Why is this important? We are rarely encouraged to think about the physical lengths our food travels before arriving on the market shelves. And all of this travel comes with a hefty environmental cost that is concealed from the consumer’s eye. One of the most salient benefits to eating seasonally is that you are effectively reducing your carbon footprint and supporting a more geographically sustainable food economy. Check other fruit and veg that’s in season in Texas now.