Review of B2 Ranch (Beall Ranch & Beall Beef) by TexasRealFood

B2 Ranch Natural Pastured Veal is completely grass-fed and is harvested from 6 to 8-month-old calves. These calves have been raised by their mothers in grass pastures and have not been treated with antibiotics or hormones. They are truly all-natural. They also have pastured beef and chicken. Aside from providing great pastured-beef, they also have a lovely Lake Cabin that you can rent out if you're in the mood to get away from it all and experience a bit of farm life.

Farming Methods, Practices & Certifications

Grass Fed / Pastured Grass Fed / Pastured
Regenerative Agriculture Regenerative Agriculture

Locally Grown and Raised Farm Products by B2 Ranch (Beall Ranch & Beall Beef)

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