Review of Z Best Milk by TexasRealFood

It is important for Marquez, Texas-based dairy farm Z Best Milk that the people know they are producing Grade A raw Jersey milk. Grade A means that the dairy farm - through its cows - are producing milk under sanitary conditions that makes it good for consumption. It is important for them because this is a testament to the care of every dairy worker working at Z Best Milk. Milk is an important part of an everyday diet and here at Z Best Milk, they make sure what you get is the best possible milk product they can produce following standards and guidelines that protect consumer health and welfare. Other products sold on this dairy farm are also top quality, like eggs and ground beef.

Farming Methods, Practices & Certifications

Grass Fed / Pastured Grass Fed / Pastured

Locally Grown and Raised Farm Products by Z Best Milk

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