
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Corrigan, TX

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Corrigan is a town in Polk County. Although the town has settled earlier, the real impetus for community settlement didn’t come until 1881, when the Houston, East and West Texas Railway was completed. Pat Corrigan, the conductor on the first train to arrive was given the privilege of having the town named after him. After a year, the Trinity and Sabine Railway arrived, expanding the operations of the lumber companies in the Corrigan vicinity. As the mills continued its production, churches and a variety of businesses like hotels, stores, and gins, opened in this town. A post office opened in 1883 and nine years later, Corrigan Index printed its first newspaper. Although timber remained the mainstay of the town’s economic and social structure, the local economy has been diversified by stone quarries, bottle works, sandpits, and continued agricultural production.

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