
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Seymour, TX

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Seymour is a city in and the county seat of Baylor County, Texas, United States. It has a population of 2.740, according to the last census. The city is located on the Brazos River. It has a humid subtropical climate which leads to great temperature variations. The fossils of the Permian period vertebrates in the Texas Red Beds were first discovered by Edward Drinker Cope in 1877. The order Seymouriamorpha and genus Seymouria, which were first discovered in the Seymour area, are named after the city. Seymor was founded by settlers from Oregon and at first it was called Oregon City. It was a part of the Western trail at the place where it met the Brazos river. A post office was established in 1879 when the town's name was changed to honor local cowboy Seymour Munday, after whom nearby Munday was also named.

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