In Highway 71 Garwood, Sunshine Chicken Farm is a non-GMO producer of heritage and rare breed chickens since 2011. Moreover, they sell fresh eggs where they collect and store daily, ready for you to take home. Also, they are P/T-tested and free. Besides, they offer typhoid testing services, and they can provide certificates when requested. Furthermore, they provide various egg colors on any given day, including white, olive, brown, green, blue, chocolate, and pink. Some of their chicken breeds include old type Rhode Island Reds, Black Jersey Giants, Dominiques, Barred Rock, New Hampshire Red, Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, Light Brahma Wyandotte, Leghorn, Easter Egger-Olive and Blue, Black Cochin, Partridge Cochin Frizzle Cochins, Red Star, and more hatching every season. Visit their farm, and they would be happy to tour you around.
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