
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Daingerfield, TX

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Daingerfield is a city in and the county seat of Morris County. It was named after Capt. London Daingerfield, who fought and got killed in an 1830 battle against Indians, at the site that became the town in the 1840s. The post office opened in 1846 and by the early 1850s, the town started to grow. More rapid development began after the Civil War. In 1877, Titus County, where Dangerfield and its surrounding area were originally included, was divided, forming Morris County. The same year, a track was laid half miles southeast of town. In 1879, when a disastrous fire destroyed most of the town, most of the businesses moved to the railhead, where the present site of the town is located. The Lone Star Steel and the U.S. Navy Ordnance Aerophysics Laboratory opened shortly after WWII, which was known to be the greatest growth in Daingerfield.

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