
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Danevang, TX

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Danevang is an unincorporated community in Wharton County. It started as a colonial effort in 1894 when the Danish settlers migrated from the American Midwest. The Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church supported the settlement being a church colony, a place for the preservation of the Danish culture. Seventy families, some directly from Denmark, arrived during the first year of the colony. Soon after, the community was named Danevang, an alternative name for Denmark which represents “Danish Field.” In 1895, the post office was established and the first public school was launched, teaching Denmark’s history and language to the students. After several difficult years, the Texas colony thrived as an agricultural center; they primarily depended on cotton. The town’s lending library remained. To date, the observance of Christmas and special church holidays are still prominently Danish in origin. The residents maintained a Danish tradition of cooperation in their economic establishments.

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