
Family Farms & Ranches and Local Food Businesses near Henrietta, TX

Find the best local food by family farms & ranches, artisan food producers, farm to table restaurants and other local food sources in Henrietta, Texas

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Henrietta, which is a city located in Clay County is one of the oldest resolved towns in Northcentral texas. This town was established in 1881. The population diminished after the 2000s from 3,264 to 3,141 at the 2010 census. The town itself has a number of attractions. Some of them being the 1890 Jail museum, the Holman Center, Lake Arrowhead State Park, and Red River Valley Area. The naming of the town itself endures a mystery. As Clay and Montague counties became independent in the late 1960s, Henrietta became the sole town in the county. This town is also a part of Wichita Falls area.

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